
9 months

Where did this year go? Seriously! I can't believe we are just days away from a new year.

Let's start by talking about Christmas, okay? Okay. (Like you have a choice.)

Christmas was great. Simple. Stress-free. Peaceful. Great. Christmas Eve was spent at my parents where my mother put on a beautiful dinner. We sang carols. Opened gifts. Watched the Muppet's Christmas Carol. And ate a lot of good food. (Thanks to my brother and his fancy-schmancy smoker our meal included some delicious ribs. Yum.)

Christmas day was very laid back. We woke up and went to church. Tom was in charge of the program (he's the ward music chair/choir director). It went off beautifully. We came home, put Cdown for a nap, ate some lunch, opened gifts, napped. When the monkey woke up we opened her gifts with her. Tom and I decided to forgo gifts to each other. We are saving our nickles and dimes for a new camera. But we did get a few small things for C. We are also hugely blessed by wonderful parents (on both sides), and Tom's amazing aunt and uncle who send us beautiful packages to make the day feel a little more magical.

After that we just headed to my grandma's for a short visit, came back and visited with my parents for a little. Ate some food. Called some family. And sighed a joyous relaxed sigh.

Christmas also marked C's nine month milestone. It's amazing how fast time has flown. These nine month feel like seconds compared to the lifetime pregnancy felt like. Today we went to C's nine month checkup. I love our pediatrician. He is really great. He says C is healthy and vibrant and "perfect." What mom doesn't want to hear that?

Here are her latest stats:

Head Circumference: 17.75" (80% - Dr. Mumford says, "It's big to fit her very smart brain.")
Weight: 18.96 lbs (52.46% - The doc exclaimed when he first walked in, "What a beautiful chubby baby. We love chubby babies. Means you're doing something good, mom.") I realize just over 50% may not seem very chubby, but when you take into account her height... yeah.
Height: 25.75" (4.92% - Doctor's remarks, "You can tell people you doubled her percentage from last time. See it's a good thing.")

As you can tell the doctor is really great and trying to boost egos.  The nurse is also wonderful. She commented on C's beautiful long eyelashes. Not sure why it's so satisfying to have strangers say nice things about your offspring, but it is.  :)

She's our little shorty brainiac. She's is as determined, strong-willed, and loud as ever. We love her curious perseverance, her "I want to walk now" dedication, and her adorable little laugh. She sleeps an amazing 12 hours a night, naps well (as long as she is in her crib), and eats like nobody's business. We love you C-monkey!

Here are some photos to send you on your way:

A few days before Christmas. This is a monkey obstacle course. 

C practicing her Santa impression. The girl loves yogurt.


C with her favorite aunt Katie. (Just for you, Katie.)  :)

At Grandma and Grandpa McLelland's. Getting ready for her first gift!

Yeah, we dressed her up as Santa.  :)

"For me!?"

Looking at the coolest book ever from Aunt Judy and Uncle Craig!

Mmmm... blocks are tasty!

Opening "the big one" from Grandma and Grandpa Konie.

Pretty much the most intense toy train ever. (This is only half of it.) She's off!

1 comment:

Katie Lynn Goudie said...

Yesssss! I am SO the favorite aunt. :)

She is so stinking cute. I love that she's short, chubby, and brainy. :)