
Christmas is Coming...

Ho ho ho! Happy Cheesy Greetings.

I cannot believe Christmas is this week. How did that happen? We're keeping it simple this year (like most years) which means it's a relatively stress-free holiday. We'll be here in Utah, but we are definitely looking forward to January when we will be heading out to Chicago to see Tom's family. (Well, looking forward to seeing them.... I'm not going to lie. I'm terrified of how C will handle traveling and sleeping, but let's not dwell on that.)

In other news... wait, there is no other news. Life is pretty much the same as always. But it's good so we can't complain. Here are some pictures to make this post hopefully seem a little less lame. We had a fun little "Christmas Photo Shoot" and these are some of the unedited fun ones.  Enjoy.

Ho ho ho! Happy Cheesy ending!

Mom, why am I in a box?

It's shiny!

So happy!

Bye! I need to go find my clothes... where did they go?

1 comment:

Katie Lynn Goudie said...

She is so adorable. :) I just love it!