
Konie Update

What's happening in the Konie world? I'm glad you asked.

Not a whole lot.

But we rather live a boring life than a drama-filled one, right?

So for a quick update, let's do this one bullet-list style.

  • Tom and I are still working hard on our project. Hopefully we can share more what that's about in the next month. Fingers crossed. We've had some side tracks and hiccups along the way, but we are still pressing forward.
  • I'm going to be taking some dance classes again! Wahoo! A friend/former student is putting together a co-op dance class for advanced, pre-professional, and professional dancers in Utah County. Best of all, it's free. I'm excited to take a class again. It's been way too long.
  • Tom is awesome. No really, he is.
  • C-monkey is awesome, too. She has all but one tooth in (Can I get a "hallelujah!?"). She is climbing onto everything! She has mastered how to turn the TV, DVD player, and all other electronics on. She also has very clever and crafty ways of distracting us while she gets up on our chairs and pounds away at our computers. 
And here are some random pics for you to send you off on your way:

C loves being naked and getting wet. 

Seriously, ever Sunday at my parents ends this way.


Back on my birthday (yes, in May) we went swimming. So fun!

Sorry for the poor quality. Just wanted to prove that Tom's parents did, in fact, come visit us.  :)

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