
One year wiser and older, too....

How do I have a one year old? Seriously, this year has flown by. It's been such a wonderful, exhausting, rewarding, and growing year for all the Konies. Yesterday ('s actual birthday) we had a simple little party at my parents' house. Sundays are always rough for the girl with her nap schedule all messed up because of church. And to top it off she HATED the birthday hat we tried to put on her, so she was all tears and frowns for pictures. That is until she got some cake. (More on that in a bit.)

She is perfectly healthy "inside and out, head to toe" as her pediatrician says. And the girl has been doing some good growing. Here are her 12 month stats:

- Weight is just under 21 pounds,  68%
- Length is 28.5 inches, 26% (up from her 4%, wahoo!)
- Head Circumference is 18 inches, 72%

C-monkey is a masterful walker these days, even with shoes on. She gets into everything, loves to put things "back" (like putting "back" our brand new Muppet DVD in the trash can. Took us three days to find it.) She is still as independent and lovable as ever. So happy to have this girl in our lives.

THANK YOU to the grandparents (both near and far) for your kind gifts and to all our family and friends who have loved this little girl. We appreciate you all so much!

And now for a picture overload (click on any of the pictures to view larger):

This was the cake I made for the birthday girl. Gluten free, sweetened with applesauce and honey with a fresh berry compote on top. (Yeah, I'm one of *those* crazy moms. But it was tasty! And I had no guilt feeding it to her!)

The monkey's meltdown just before cake time. She DOES NOT enjoy hats, FYI.  :)

Trying to calm her so she can try her cake.

Such a sad (but cute) face.

"Hmmm... is that a strawberry? I like those."

"Wait a minute. I think this might taste good!"

"Let's try some cake now."

(pondering) "Do I like this?"

"Yeah, this stuff is pretty great."

Drunk with cake.  :)

Opening gifts. A new butterfly shirt!

Eating her bath toys.

Twinners! C and cousin Ari (these two are just two weeks apart).

Opening gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Konie the next day.

"Yay!  I like this birthday thing."

She loves the kangaroo!

Trying on her adorable rain jacket.

"What do you mean I have to wait one more year for this to happen again!?"

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