
black mail and other things....

Look at me blogging two weeks in a row! I think I should get a prize or something, right?

This past week was fun. Tom and I celebrated our 4th anniversary. Time is funny. It seems like we've always been married, but then it also seems like it was just yesterday. When I think about taking four years to graduate college, this four years was much more enjoyable.

Tom and I don't do a lot of gift exchanges. We decided some years ago that we prefer to keep things simple and don't do gifts for each other. Instead, we take turns planning something fun to do. This year was my year to plan. So we took C to my parents (thanks, Mom and Dad!) and we headed off to "exotic" Ogden to do a little indoor skydiving.

It was really fun.

I wish we had photos, but they kind of take your stuff away from you when you're in a giant wind tunnel. Go figure. Needless to say, we both rock at flying. Afterwards we hit up the Cheesecake Factory for some good food. Quite a lovely way to celebrate four awesome years.

In other news:

The other morning C came into the office with two pairs of underwear. (No, she's not potty trained... I'm just uber prepared for when that day comes.)  She has also recently had this fascination with straws. So when she walked into our room with these goodies it didn't take long for Tom to dress her up.

Behold, our future black mail photo:

Of course, as soon as she saw the camera come out she was off.  (By the way, she often runs like this with her hands behind her back. Love it.)

Then she gave us that sad face that says, "Why do you guys hate me? Why? WHY?"

But secretly she liked it. 

In fact, she kind of felt the like queen of the fairies. 

Until she realized that we will be showing these photos to her future boyfriend.

Then we got a stern lecture on the responsibilities of parenthood.

When all was said and done, she confiscated our phones...

And reset the password on our computer.

Revenge is cruel.


Katie Lynn Goudie said...

The queen of the fairies picture is priceless. Loooove it! :)

Unknown said...

Love that you are already planning blackmail photos for her! She's pretty cute!

Alexie said...

Why is it that kids love to run like that? All mine have done the same thing- I guess I must be running wrong. Next time I'll try the hands behind the back... maybe it makes you feel like you're going faster.